Tokyo Homeopathy

Healthy Life Blog

Self Care Blog


Treatment process

Treatment process

The treatment process can be complex with considerable variation among patients.  No patient needs to understand the following summary of what generally happens, because I will guide you through the treatment process.  This general summary is offered for the peace of mind of the patient who enjoys details.

Also, I am currently offering a 40% off on treatment in exchange for counseling.


The fees for this process are explained in detail here.

Beginning Treatment Process

  •  First appointment content: Instruct you about treatment and hear your story.  Often this is our first contact occurs when you first call me by phone.
  • You submit the questionnaire for analysis
  • The in-depth interview where your questionnaire is used to plan your future treatment.
  • You start treatment when you receive and take the remedy
  •  Follow-up interview when you report back changes that have happened since taking your remedy.
  • Your homeopath will adjust your treatment and guide you concerning how to take your remedy.  For example, how often to take your remedy and when your next appointment should be.
  • Evaluate changes
  • Analysis of changes:  Either there are no changes and the previous treatment process begins again using the same remedy.  Or there is change a change in the healing process and a new remedy is chosen. So, there are two kinds of follow up interviews.

Follow up interviews

▪ If the remedy results are satisfactory, research of a new remedy is not required, so the interview is shorter.


▪ If the results of the initial treatment were not satisfactory, more research is required and the interview is longer.