Tokyo Homeopathy

How to increase the potency of a remedy

Gradually increase the potency of a low potency remedy

Fibonacci discovered a mathematical formula which describes the curves that are common throughout the universe. You can apply this mathematical observation to homeopathic potencies as well. Increasing potencies using this method will take the guesswork out of managing the power of your remedy safely. This method was discovered by the homeopath, Joe Rosenscwajg. His book, The Potencies, is on Amazon.

Examples of the Fibonacci Spiral in Nature

Examples of the Fibonacci Spiral in Nature

The above numbers (13, 21, … 144, 233) that resulted from Fibonnaci’s formula are also used in homeopathy to exponentially increase potencies. I order these potencies from pharmacies, and if you are on a limited budget or you are in a hurry, and only have a low potency remedy but really need a high potency remedy, you can systematically increase your remedy potencies. I will tell you how here. If you have trouble understanding, contact me and I will help you.

What is are the numbers found through Fibonnaci’s mathematical formula and how to judge when to change remedies is described above.

What is are the numbers found through Fibonnaci’s mathematical formula and how to judge when to change remedies is described above.

Banging (Sucusseting) your bottle will increase the potency. You want the exact potency of your pellet so do not bang the bottle.

Evaluating your reaction to the potency

You must observe your subtle reactions to your remedy. Remember BEAM: sleep in Bed, Energy, Appetite and Mood.

You are looking for any change in any of these parameters—good or bad. Your subjective evaluation is the most significant. If you can feel the change, it is a change.

The stoplight represents the minimal rule. You can go slower than the 2 day evaluation limit and still raise the potencies dramatically.

If you have no change on day 1 and day 2, then change on day 3, go back to the starting line at the red light and wait for 2 days.

Above 21c, the potencies become much higher than the label on the bottle. So, slow down if possible.

Curative remedies will improve the balance of many aspects of the immune system.

The balance of many body system make up our immune system. Curative remedies will improve that balance.

A stronger immune system may over-react.

Over reaction of the immune system can be uncomfortable. So, not going faster than the rule of the stop light and objectively observing your responses to your remedy is important. Especially over 21c, slow down to avoid over reaction.

The rapid increase of Fibonacci potency in severe emergency

In emergency cases such as cancer or severe infections, speeding up the potency increase is essential. In those cases, increasing the potency by one Fibonnaci level (from 13c to 21c for example) everyday is necessary. Up to 21c, this sharp increase in potency is safe. In a very extreme emergency, for example difficulty breathing in a coronavirus case, increase the potency one Fibonnaci level twice during the day up to 21c. Then at 21c, start slowing down. Speed of potency increase is relative to the condition, so exact numbers would be misleading. Watch the result and decide how much you need to slow down.

At 21c the potency becomes EXPONENTIALLY stronger.

Fibonacci potencies below 21c are at the typical potency levels that we use for most cases (the equivalent of 6c-30c). At 21c, suddenly the potency begins to climb.

Difficulties judging when to change potency

The slow and steady tortoise will heal faster than the hare who runs fast but also naps.

There are times when I am too distracted to pay attention to my health, but because I like the deep effects of Fibonacci potencies, I take the F-potencies despite my lack of focus. In these cases, I increase the potencies more slowly. I have no healing emergency, so slower healing is not a problem. Even if I want to increase the potency more rapidly, if I am having a hard time judging, I do the following:

  • I talk about my symptoms with a friend or my homeopath.

  • I am slightly more conservative than the above instructions. If no change seems to occur after 5 days, I increase the potency. If that seems too strong, then the next time I increase potency but I am confused, I am more conservative. Instead of waiting 5 days, I wait 7 days.

Dr. Joe Rozencwajg has written books on all the details of this method. He does not bang the remedy the way we do with normal remedies taken from a dilution bottle. Instead, he gently stirs the potentized water 10 times as in the 5 cup method.

The Fibonacci potencies become stronger exponentially than the actual potency. At first they are the same as normal potencies, but gradually the higher potencies become stronger. Here is a metaphor. It is as if the beginning potency is the handle of a whip. As the potency gets further from the handle of the whip (6c) the strength of the whip becomes stronger at about 21c.

A longer whip (past 21c) is stronger.

If you start with 8c, by the time you have potentized to a 21c, it is already stronger than a normal 30c. The actual potency of the remedy of a 233c, is much more than 10,000c.

I like the method because:

Patients can control their own remedies with relatively little instruction from me.

All of the power that is possible from a remedy can be discovered. At first, the results may only be physical, but with high potencies, the much deeper psychological power of the remedy can be discovered by the patient.

The power of the potencies comes from the fact that the Fibonacci sequence is found everywhere in nature. From the shape of the gallaxies to the spiral of the unfolding of a rose, this spiral shape a basic design in the natural world. There are many mathematical sequences, but the Fibonacci sequence is the most common sequence in nature.

How accurate do you need to be?

Up to 21c, if you have a hard time evaluating change in your condition, going up in potency too fast will probably not cause aggravation. After 21c, your potency will climb more quickly and because you are actually using much high potencies than what I normally give novice patients. In some cases, climbing too fast does increase the possibility of aggravations. If your remedy is a perfect fit to you (you have not experienced aggravations so far), you will probably not get aggravations. However, if the match between your symptoms and the remedy is slightly different, then aggravations are more possible. I often test remedies with patients using a 30c or 200c. If they get aggravations with either of those potencies, I warn them to be more careful as they climb up past 21c. For me personally, too slow in a non-emergency situation is better than too fast. But, you need to decide your own preferences.

Is the Fibonnaci 233c remedy the same as taking a higher potency of the same remedy?

There is a limit to using this method. For example, if you are preparing remedies for severe acute problems such as COVID, but only have lower potencies such as 30c or 6c, you can make a Fibonacci potency. From 6c, make an 8c. From 30c make a 34c as your first potency. Your climb starts with a higher than normal potency, but especially a 6c is very close to a 8c and not much is lost in the Fibonacci climb up the potency scale.

The hitch is you have actually go through taking each level of the the remedy. Starting lower will give you a greater potency climb. So, you cannot prepare a 233c Fibonnaci potency with the hope of getting more than 1000c of power from the remedy without having started with a lower potency. Adding one potency on top of the next one is key to increasing your potency. So, you need to start with a lower potency to feel the distant end of your potency “whip”.